Paul came across a Thinkware U1000 Product Video on YouTube one night and immediately, he’s in love. He was just about to hit Buy Now on Amazon when Nancy, his wife, convinced him they needed to do some comparison shipping first. Wives know best, and Paul set off to bargain-hunt. He found that pricing for the 4K dash cam is pretty much standard across the board and major chain retailers like Best Buy and Walmart offer price-matching policies anyways. But the more he reads, the more he panics - there is so much more to owning a dash cam than just finding the best deal - there’s hardware installation, camera configuration, maintenance, memory cards, cables and wires, cloud (what’s a cloud dash cam anyway?), WiFi, troubleshooting, and much more. Help!
Then Nancy said, Why not check out BlackboxMyCar, they are Canada’s #1 dash cam store! I’m sure they can help!